Sunday, October 14, 2012

Can I marry places?

I'm back from London, with a refreshed desire to explore and travel more and more.

We (me, Aimee, Rebecka, Sarah, and Helene, all Scandinavian) stayed at a really cool hostel in a not so cool area, and met cool Australian girls who are traveling and trying to find work in England. Just from chatting over our scarce continental breakfast, I learned a bit about their open minds in relation to traveling, some social issues in Australia, and tips on the best ways to see Australia were I to visit someday.

And this is what I love so much about traveling: so much can come from any moment. You can get so much out of every interaction, every location, every food and building and person you come across.

I fell in love with London even more this weekend, as we explored Portobello Road, Brick Lane (awesome area open only Sundays), Camden Market, and Harrods [pick the one that doesn't belong with the others haha]. Oh and of course a pub in Soho Saturday night (where I furthered my appreciation for ciders in England. They are now my drink of choice).

Throughout the weekend though, I just kept thinking how I would love to share this all with my family. I recently emailed my sister about visiting me after my school term ends, as I think it would be a BRILLIANT idea to travel London for a week around Christmas time just before heading home for Christmas itself. Two sisters, catching up after 4 months, roaming the streets of this city that is just. so. alive. She just HAS TO COME (Lila, I hope you're reading this!).

I get so excited about food, too, in case people haven't noticed already. It's something I've come to integrate into my identity over the past few years, starting probably around the time I left for college. Finding delicious unique foods, full of flavor, love, and care, has apparently become a hobby of mine. I can't seem to go to a new city without trying to find some new specialty food to try- it's almost mandatory! And it's not that I overeat or spend loads of money on food either (well, that's arguable haha..), it's more that it can become a premeditated task (or not, in many spontaneous and delicious cases). I'm lucky that Aimee and Rebecka seem to be equally as in love with food as I (especially Aimee), and willing to put a good amount of our energies into food hunting this weekend!

I don't want to stop seeing the world, though I understand the importance of having a place to call home as well. I just don't want to become too comfortable or complacent (thank you, Oliver, for phrasing it that way) to stop finding reason to go pursue beauty in the world.

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