Monday, October 8, 2012

Wind in my hair

I decided to go for a run today.

Quite possibly the first time I've legitimately gotten my heart rate up since being in LA this summer for summer school.

That whole "runner's high" concept became runner's "fill Sheila's brain with more oxygen and blood than it's had for 2 months and cause her to fear passing out after ten minutes of running."

The fresh air and greenery SO DEFINITELY lend themselves to the idea of running.

The random downpours, however, do not.

I learned the hard way. Today. Classical conditioning anyone?

Though in all honesty, I really did enjoy jogging in the rain- it kept me cool, camouflaged my sweat (if I even broke a sweat), and made me run even faster to get home. And made me look like a bad ass.

Needless to say, I'm excited to go again, and follow a new green trail in my England.

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