Thursday, September 27, 2012

3 months

I've been "settling" in here at Kent quite nicely. I'm, again, literally reliving freshman year. Along with that I've also gone to 20348023840293 "taster sessions" to try out different clubs and societies I may want to join, e.g. Salsa Dancing Society, Belly Dancing Society, Music Society, Archery Club, Mountaineering Club, Psychology Society, Tea Society, etc. Literally. I have gone to all of these meetings so far, and have met a myriad of eclectic students. I'm much more carefree and confident than I was my freshman year- much more likely to strike up conversation with new people, more willing to ask questions, and definitely more willing to embarrass myself. I know this partly has to do with all the experiences I've had at UCLA and how much I grew, but it may also have to do with the looming thought in the back of my head: the fact that I'll be gone in 3 months.

This amount of time seemed so long back in the application stage. Everyone made such a fuss about me being gone for a whole term, rather than just a short term travel study program in the summer. Though this inching deadline may inadvertently lead me to be more open and "down to get down" at all times, it's also a terrible, terrible curse. Every friendship, relationship, club membership, etc, is tainted with the fact that I will be gone before Christmas, and all of these people and things will continue their lives at Kent. I am indeed part of a minority, even compared to my international friends (95% are staying for a whole year).

Well, aside from the whole "YOLO" mentality, I need to remind myself that relationships can last even beyond physical presence. I hope I can give my new friends a new American friend that they can call anytime they decide to visit the States, and of course California. I will continue these friendships by being a link to another world for them, and they me. Or at least I hope. It's only the 2nd week here, so who knows what may happen, but for now, this is my mindset. It's a rather bright one, unlike the weather!

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